Shaar Shalom Synagogue is a conservative Jewish congregation providing egalitarian religious services, and educational and cultural programs for its members and community. Shaar Shalom is committed to learning, fellowship and community.

The Shaar Shalom, a Conservative Congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, is a centre of Jewish life which provides egalitarian religious services, and educational and cultural programs that enhance Judaism for its individuals, its families and its community.

Shaar Shalom Synagogue is a conservative Jewish congregation providing egalitarian religious services, and educational and cultural programs for its members and community. Shaar Shalom is committed to learning, fellowship and community.

High Holidays at the Shaar

* Click here for a schedule of services and other timely information for Rosh haShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, S’hmini Atzeret/Simḥat Torah and the days between.* For the candle lighting berakhot…

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Hebrew School Registration

Registration is on for our Joint Halifax Hebrew School. If you have a child born in or before 2020 who you would like to register, please email halifaxhebrewschool@gmail.com or contact…

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Updated COVID Protocols

Even as our COVID situation changes rapidly, remember that we continue to be careful at the Shaar. We continue to mask in the building and socially-distance at all times. If…

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Supporting the Jews of Ukraine

Even as general causes appropriately and mercifully work hard to alleviate the suffering off all in Ukraine, it falls on us, as members of the worldwide Jewish family, to support…

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Registration for Hebrew School (September 2021)

If you have a child born in or after 2017 who you would like to register for Hebrew School, please email halifaxhebrewschool@gmail.com or contact Tamara Daiman, our Hebrew School Administrator…

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Upcoming Events

Religious Services

Kabbalat Shabbat – Welcoming Shabbat - Services are held weekly on Friday evenings at 6:00 p.m. from the date daylight savings time begins in March until the date it ends in November. After daylight savings time ends, Kabbalat Shabbat services are held on Friday evenings at 5:30 p.m. In addition, a family Kabbalat Shabbat Program runs through the Hebrew School year. Details are available on the Halifax Joint Hebrew School website.

Shabbat morning services begin at 9:15 a.m. every Saturday. Shabbat liturgy and d’var Torah delivered by our spiritual leader make each Shabbat inspiring for those attending. There are also many occasions throughout the year when the congregation holds special Shabbat services, such as a scholar-in-residence Shabbat, or a university student Shabbat.

Congregants are encouraged to contribute to Shabbat services by chanting a Haftorah or delivering a d’var Torah. Please contact our spiritual leader to make arrangements.

The Shaar Shalom holds services on all Jewish Holidays. Specific schedules for holidays are available through the synagogue office. Please click on the High Holiday tab at the top of this page for information about High Holiday services and seating.

Get in Touch!

Monday:  10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Tuesday:  10:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday:  10:00 – 3:00pm
Thursday:  10:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: closed


(+1) 902 423-5848
Fax: (+1) 902 422-2580



For pastoral issues and life-cycle inquiries, please contact Rabbi Karlin directly at rabbi@theshaar.ca