Supporting the Jews of Ukraine

Even as general causes appropriately and mercifully work hard to alleviate the suffering off all in Ukraine, it falls on us, as members of the worldwide Jewish family, to support the unique needs of our sisters and brothers in that part of the world. This week, we present two worthy causes to consider:

> Federation/CJA: The AJC is working with United Israel Appeal to direct emergency funds to humanitarian relief, community security, protection, and evacuation efforts. Shaar Shalom will be making a donation on behalf of the congregation to the AJC Ukraine Relief Fund, and we encourage members to make personal donations as well. Click here to donate via this channel.

> Conservative/Masorti Judaism: MERCAZ and Canadian Foundation for Masorti Judaism have been working with our partners at Masorti Olami (the worldwide Conservative/Masorti Movement) to support Ukrainian relief efforts, partnering with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Shaar Shalom will be making a donation on behalf of the congregation through this channel, and we encourage members to make personal donations as well. You can make your donation by clicking here, and choosing the “Masorti Canada Ukrainian Relief Fund.”