Information about what can be found in the physical archive located in the Shaar Shalom Synagogue

Box # 1 Women's League Info

  1. Women’s league Receipts and Disbursements 1958-1960

  2. Women’s league Receipts and Disbursements 1961-1962

  3. Women’s league General Meeting minutes 1959-1961

  4. Women’s League Receipts and Disbursements 1963-1967

  5. Women’s League Dues and Membership 1956-1984

  6. Unused receipt book from Women’s League

  7. File folder 1: “Yizkor is for everyone” bulletin, “Why Jewish Family Living”, “A Word on Christmas by the Jewish Family Living Chairman”

  8. File folder #2: Pamphlets from Women’s League for Conservative Judaism New York on how to create and run a Women’s League

  9. File folder #3: Members list 1977-1978, correspondence from Marianne Ferguson 1978 concerning women’s league

  10. File Folder #4: Presidential File Mrs. Nathan Green 1965-1967, Divray Torah 5738

  11. Women’s League receipt book 1963-1965

  12. Women’s League Receipt book 1987-1988

  13. Eastern Canadian Branch Conference 1963

  14. Clothing sale flyers 1970, 1972, 1967, 1968, 1973

  15. Dinners catered by the Women’s League

  16. Tea & Sale 1960-1963

  17. Torah Fund – Matilde Schechter Residence hall Campaign

  18. Florie Fineberg Fund Raising Diary 1965-1966

  19. Women’s League General Meeting Minutes 1959

  20. Financial Statements 1972-1980

  21. Skits for programs

  22. Soroptomist (women’s organization) Bulletins

  23. Bride’s Hope Chest Raffle 1956


Box #2 The League (an amalgamation of The Women’s League and The Men’s Club) 

  1. File folder #1: League Membership report 1994, Letter asking for League membership, Notes from the president of The League – no years, List of League lifetime members – no year, Notes from the League President – 1988, League minutes 1985- 1987

  2. File Folder #2: Flyers for Mother’s Day brunch – a League fundraiser

  3. File Folder #3: Flyers for bargain bonanza bazaar 1990, 1992, 1989 and undated

  4. File Folder #4: Nov 14, 1992 Breakfast Club agenda,

  5. File Folder #5: Information about diner for Shaar’s 32nd birthday honouring Dr. Irving Perlin

  6. File Folder #6: Information about Shaar auction 1985

  7. File Folder #7: Information about Shaar auction 1992

  8. File Folder #8: League report 1993, 1991/1992 Budget, Various thank you cards written to the League, executives 1993-1994, various League documents 1993-1995

  9. Hanukkah sale 1993 flyer, league executives list – what year? Clothing sale 1993, Conversion class 1992, Breakfast club agenda 1994

  10. Purim Luncheons

  11. Tablecloth

  12. League financial statements

  13. 1997 Newsletter


Box #3 The House Committee

  1. Shaar Shalom inventory Nov 2006 Mar 2007 CD

  2. Folder ‘Quotations”: Info on Shaar Shalom Congregation Capital and Endowment Fund, info on window replacement and other repairs

  3. “Shaar Shalom Caretaker” File

  4. “Building Information”: Building Inventory (no year), Beautification committee report 1986, House Committee Report 1986, Drawings by Linda Offman for sanctuary panels

  5. Photos of unveiling of Shaar Shalom sign on building – scan?

  6. CPTED audit 2003

  7. Photos of water on roof and water damage 1995

  8. General house Items and Bookings 1992

  9. General House Items and Bookings 1993

  10. Shaar Shalom Apartment information

  11. Various quotes from Building committee 1992

  12. Shaar insurance 1994-1995

  13. Finances 1999

  14. Renovations and Caretaker Apartment 1991-1992

  15. Proposal and Data – Shaar Shalom sign

  16. Photos of structural damage in Shul

Box # 4 Old Stencils – long box

  1. Congregational Breakfast – year?

  2. Regulations for monuments in cemeteries

  3. Shaar Bulletin from Rabbi Leo Heim 1976

  4. Questionnaire about role of women in conservation movement 1976

  5. Mother’s Day brunch 1976

  6. Spring clothing sale by Women’s League 1976

  7. 1973 document about men and women being counted equally in a minyan

  8. Shaar Shalom cemetery regulations

  9. Articles of Association of Shaar Shalom Congregation – year?

  10. 1976 Letter about increasing dues

  11. Passover song sheet

  12. New prayers for the high holidays

 Many documents are unreadable due to printing problems.

Many documents are not date with a year

Box #5  Music, Events and Sheet Music

  1. Folder #1 Music Events: Sukkot and Simchat Torah with Cantor Ari, Ruach Shabbat music

  2. Music for anniversary dinner celebrating Irving Perlin

  3. Shaar Shalom 33rd Birthday skit – written and produced by Florie Fineberg June 15, 1986

  4. List of founding members for 33rd birthday dinner, handwritten info about history of Shaar and Hebrew school

  5. F. Fienberg folder containing The Atlantic Haggadah Show Script and sheet music

  6. Program for encore and sheet music of songs preformed

  7. Encore Songs – 50th Anniversary

  8. Wedding and Hanukkah sheet music for choir

  9. High holiday sheet music

  10. Neilah Service sheet music

  11. High holidays sheet music

  12. Sabbath Sheet Music

  13. File Folder #2: assorted sheet music

  14. Friday Night Music

  15. Ahavat Olam and Tov L’Hodot Idelson

  16. ‘Shul Politics’ A musical Skit by Florie Fineberg

  17. File Folder #3: Lost Composers concert Nov 9, 2003, 1956 Varieties program

  18. File Folder #4 Shaar Shalom Events Musical Programs: Musicale Program presented by Women’s League and Men’s Club of Shaar Shalom, Board of Governors invitation to cocktails and hors d’oeuvres 1970, Invitation to Oneg Shabbat in honour of Rabbi and Mrs. Isaac Freeman 1957, Invitation to Men’s Club First Auction – year?, Handwritten notes on Musicale to celebrate Jewish Music Month 1962, Program from Musicale 1955, Hanukkah gift sale flyer -year?, Flyer for Jewish Community Skating at the Halifax Forum

  19. File Folder #5 Shaar events 1980’s: AJC calendar of events 1983, Annual report of the cultural committee 1984, 1985 Events, Scholar in residence Dr. Bernard Cooperman, Scholar in residence program with Rabbi Seymour Siegel, Scholar in residence weekend with Bernard Reisman, Jewish Msuic Concert March 29, 1987, Jewish Music Month Concert March 6, 1988

  20. File Folder #6 shaar Shalom concerts 1984: Info on Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra Concert March 25, 1984, Information on Adam Stern, Alan Stern’s son and rising pianist star and original photo from 1984

  21. File Folder #7: Shaar Shalom gardening party flyer – no year, An evening with David Chintz 1990, Challenge & Change workshop 1992, Family Deli & Bingo Nite 1992, Hanukkah 1992 Program, Mother’s Day Brunch 1993, Jewish Music Concert 1992, Yom Hashoah Service 1996

  22. File Folder #8: Articles about Dr. Shulman lecture, Dedication of two Torah finders, Rabbi Goldsmith Lecture 1962, Second Annual Lecture Series Feb 25, 1963?, 1963 dedication of Yad Vashem Candelabrum, Festival of Jewish Music Radio show beginning 1963, Special General Meeting 1963, Sabbath and Shavuot Services 1963, Rabbi Goldsmith talk “my experience in Birmingham” 1963, Rabbi Goldsmith talk “Two Paths to One G-d: Judaism and Christianity” 1963, Jewish Book Month 1963, Mail Star article about Dr. Mordecai Kaplan’s visit to Halifax 1963, Rebecca Cohn plaque dedication 1965, Concert of Jewish Music 1965, Birthday Banquet booklet 1966, Index of report on 4th communal Passover seder – report is not attached, Newspaper article on Lavy Becker visit 1966



Box #6 High Holiday Bulletins

High Holiday Bulletins in chronological order 1954-2014

Box #7 Correspondence

Variety of correspondence regarding membership and synagogue matters 1970-1994

This was archived by previous summer students in 1996

Box #8 Box of photos and documents donated to the archive by Nancy Cieplinski

  1. Jewish Living now pamphlet

  2. Shaar Shalom Hannukah edition 1984

  3. Laura Hershorn Library list of book – undated

  4. Pamphlet for Jewish Book Month events – undated

  5. Photo of Shaar Shalom Hebrew School in black folder with names of children in photo

  6. Births, Deaths, Marriages, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs & Engagements 5759/1999

  7. Rabbi Chinitz speech to congregation May 31, 1992

  8. Archives Catalog 1996

  9. List of Shaar Shalom Junior & Senior high school students as of Feb, 2001

  10. Photos of Molly Rechnitzer and others from event at the Shaar – undated

  11. Write up for 25th anniversary of Shaar Shalom about Hebrew school and scholar in residence weekend

  12. February 1984 Shaar Shalom Newsletter

  13. Pesach 1984 Shaar Shalom Newsletter

  14. Pamphlet for Opening Breakfast Club undated

  15. Long photos of plaque dedication for library and small sanctuary downstairs

  16. Book of Sabbath songs X 2

  17. Pamphlet from 33rd Birthday celebration June 15, 1986

  18. Photos from student art project

  19. Pamphlet about student art project: Every deed counts an exhibition by The Shaar Shalom Hebrew School

  20. 4 X 6 photos from plaque dedication event for library and small sanctuary plaques

  21. Photos from Shaar Shalom Cemetery

  22. Two photos of Annette Walt, Hebrew schoolteacher, Rabbi Leo Heim and students

  23. Undated photos from model seder

  24. Pamphlet from 32nd birthday celebration June 9,1985

  25. Adult B’Not Mitzvah booklet

  26. Shaar Shalom Library committee update 2002, Entertainment Book Update 2002, Fiftieth Anniversary and Beautification of the Shaar Flyer 2002, Project Connect Survey 2002

  27. Fiftieth Anniversary Tribute Dinner Flyer


Box #9 Record Books

  1. Records of Rabbi Max Wallach Feb 15, 1967 – March 1969: Conversions, Bar Mitzvahs & Marriages

  2. Bar & Bat Mitzvah book 1954 – 1981

  3. Record book containing memberships 1963-1968

  4. Marriage Book 1952-1982

  5. Records 1984-1995: Births, marriages, deaths, conversions, bar/bat mitzvahs

  6. Record book 1988-1996

  7. Record book of deaths 1953-1985



Box #10 Correspondence


This box was archived by the summer students in 1996

Box #11 Board Minutes

Board Minutes and Meetings 1950s – 1970s


Box #12 Board Minutes

Board Minutes and Meetings 1980’s – 1990’s

Appeals to the board 1960s – 1990s

Various committees 1970s -1980s



Box #13 Membership Records

  1. Yahrzeits 1952-1966

  2. Membership forms – undated

  3. Conversions 1957-1989

  4. Divorces 1957-1984

  5. Marriages 1952-1987 Assorted not all

  6. Membership lists 1954-1991

  7. Membership dues 1966

  8. Newspaper clippings about members 1969

  9. Archivist report 1969-1970

  10. Resignations 1980-1987

  11. Conversion procedures 1982

  12. Membership list 1987-1988

  13. Laura Herschorn photos and memorabilia

  14. Condolence letters 1989-1990

  15. Membership lists 1991-1992, 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1997, 1998

  16. Jon Goldberg birthday flyer


Also includes membership applications and correspondence from years listed

Box #14 Bulletins

Pesach, Sukkot, Hanukkah, weekly newsletters, monthly schedule of events 1956-2003


Box #15 Hebrew School

  1. Curriculums 1974-1975, 1991, 2000/2001

  2. Hebrew school bulletins/newsletters 1965-1979, 1985-1987

  3. Class lists and schedules 1965-1993

  4. Plans for Hebrew school 1958

  5. Mordechai and Dina Shlank info-hebrew school teachers

  6. Jewish Day School plan 1987

  7. First Annual Jewish Teen Jamboree 1983

Contains various event flyers, schedules, newsletters and class lists from dates listed

First Hebrew school in home of the Stern’s 

Box #16 Miscellaneous 

Shaar Shalom Services, Wider Community Engagement, Shaar Shalom Library

  1. Services booklets undated

  2. Synagogue Memorabilia: contains service booklets and event flyers

  3. 1959 High Holydays schedule and aliyahs

  4. 1960 List of High Holydays honours

  5. 1962 List of High Holydays Honours

  6. 1966 The Sabbath Service of Prayer and Song in Commemoration of the Bar Mitzvah Anniversary of Shaar Shalom Congregation

  7. 1966 List of High Holydays Honours

  8. 1968 List of High Holydays honours

  9. 1972 List of High Holydays Honours

  10. 1972 Selichot Service

  11. 1972-1975 List of high Holydays Honours

  12. 1976 Family Oriented Friday Evening service

  13. Rabbi Fritz Rothschild visit lecture flyer

  14. 1970, 1978, 1981 List of High Holydays Honours

  15. Shaar Shalom supplementary prayers for Yom Kippur – undated

  16. Bar Mitzvah Kippas: Charles Benjamin Tetreault 1989 and Lisa Gaum 1986

  17. The Shaar Shalom Guide to Funeral and Mourning Practices 1999 and 2001

  18. Bar Mitzvah Booklets 1995

  19. Photos of small chapel before redecoration 1991

  20. Photos of Shaar Shalom conversion 1993

  21. 1991, 1994 List of High Holydays Honours

  22. Shaar Shalom Hannukkah Dinner 2000

  23. Bar mitzvah booklets 2002-2013 and Weddings booklet 2003

  24. High holiday information 2012-2013

  25. List of Canadian Jewish Veterans from Atlantic Canada who served in WWII

  26. Publicity and news releases of Shaar shalom from 1960s

  27. Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission 1980-1982

  28. Info on Prayer Book dedications and donations1955-1996

  29. Info on Shaar Shalom Library

  30. Names on Table cloth

  31. 1996 Member Info

  32. Interview with Natan Nevo July 14, 1997


Box #17 Shaar Founding and Early Years, Cemetery and Tree of Life

  1. Building plans/layout, hardware, fund pledges 1954-1956

  2. Misc info regarding building and members 1953-1971

  3. Tales from my hometown Marianne Echt

  4. History of the Shaar

  5. Memorandum of Association and By-Laws of Shaar Shalom

  6. Shaar mortgage

  7. Folder with newspaper clippings and list of past rabbis and presidents

  8. Dedication Service

  9. Articles of association of Shaar shalom Congregation

  10. Congratulatory Telegrams on synagogue dedication 1954

  11. Dances 1950’s

  12. Ground Breaking Era 1955-1956

  13. RE: Building 1955-1956

  14. Eulogies: Mr. Noa Heinish, Norman Newman, Revo Fishman

  15. Bema Construction Plans

  16. Memorial Plaque forms

  17. Dedication of Shaar Shalom Cemetery 1953

  18. Shaar Shalom cemetery records 1953

  19. Chevra Kadisha Society

  20. Cemetery Trust

  21. Tree of life order form

  22. Book of Tree of Life leaves

  23. Various Tree of Life Documents


Box #18 Photos


Box #19 Photo Albums