
The Shaar Shalom Congregation welcomes applications for membership from all Jews living in Nova Scotia. Membership includes High Holiday seating for members and dependent children. A tax receipt is issued for all dues, assessments, and Capital Campaign contributions.

The Shaar Shalom offers both single and family memberships. The fees for membership are detailed in the Fees for Membership, Burial, and Perpetual Care and High Holidays policy. Reduced membership fees are available to applicants living in excess of 50 km from the Halifax-Dartmouth-Bedford-Sackville Metropolitan area and to young adults age 30 and under.

No one is turned away from the Congregation on the basis of financial need. Jews who wish to affiliate with the Shaar Shalom Synagogue, but are unable to pay the relevant fees, may appeal to the Synagogue’s Ombudsman Committee for consideration of a reduced fee after their membership has been approved by the spiritual leader and the Board.

Click below to apply for or update your existing membership and submit the completed form to the synagogue office.